Suicides in Wyoming 4th Highest in the Nation!

Wyoming is ranked the 4th highest in the nation for suicides! 80% of suicides in Wyoming are grown men. I believe we as a community can/should do more by spreading this very simple message, “suicide is Not An Option, there is always something else to do!” What ever the reason… there is another path to take with a much brighter out come!

Help us spread this message by a donation to Donations of 30$ or more will receive a t-shirt and free sticker. Enter “NOT AN OPTION” and address information in the message box during the donation process. Thank You!

Suicide Prevention Hotline – 800-273-8255

Wyoming Behavior Institute ( WBI ) 800-457-9312

Wyoming Suicide Network – 800-784-2433

How do I get help if I’m homeless or at risk of becoming homeless

Crisis Line – 800-684-2030 text WYO to 741-741

Veterans Crisis Line – 1-800-273-8255  (Press 1)