Donations are a very important part of what we do and you can help us help others by donating to either one of our campaigns.
With out the donations of you and our generous sponsors our mission wouldn’t be possible.
- Current Campaigns
- Setting & stocking Open Box Pantries , We have set and stocked 24 “Open Box Pantries” in our Wyoming communities.
- “Neighbors feeding neighbors” providing hot meals to members of our community from our food trailer all around Wyoming.
- “WYOSTRONG” Funds for medical emergencies – Providing a means to help raise funds for Wyoming families dealing with medical emergencies & disasters.
- “NOT AN OPTION” Spreading a very important message during difficult times.
” Suicide is NOT an option “
Suicide awareness & prevention.
There is always something else to do.
A really BIG thank you to our sponsors who are helping us help others. Thank you.