Suicides in Wyoming 4th Highest in the Nation!
Wyoming is ranked the 4th highest in the nation for suicides! 80% of suicides in Wyoming are grown men.
We as a community can/should do more by spreading a very simple message,
“suicide is
there is always something else to do!”
What ever the reason… there is always another path to take with a much brighter out come!
Help us spread this message by a donation to
Donations of 30$ or more will receive a t-shirt and free sticker.
Enter “NOT AN OPTION” and address information in the message box during the donation process. Thank You!
Suicide Prevention Hotline – 800-273-8255
Wyoming Behavior Institute ( WBI ) 800-457-9312
Wyoming Suicide Network – 800-784-2433
How do I get help if I’m homeless or at risk of becoming homeless
Crisis Line – 800-684-2030 text WYO to 741-741
Veterans Crisis Line – 1-800-273-8255 (Press 1)